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Enferm. actual Costa Rica (Online) ; (46): 54740, Jan.-Jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1550249


Resumo Introdução: As ações desenvolvidas na Atenção Primária à Saúde são um dos pontos fortes de combate à tuberculose. Nesse nível de atenção, o contato contínuo do enfermeiro por meio da consulta de enfermagem permite manter relação com a população adoecida. Diante da relação enfermeiro-pessoa cuidada para o estabelecimento do vínculo e adesão ao tratamento contra tuberculose, compreende-se a importância do referencial teórico de Imogene King para estruturar a interação enfermeiro-pessoa cuidada e oferecer uma dinâmica para esse processo. Objetivo: Analisar a relação enfermeiro-pessoa afetada pela tuberculose fundamentada na Teoria do Alcance de Metas de Imogene King. Método: Estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, com 14 enfermeiros da APS, selecionadas por conveniência. A coleta de dados ocorreu de agosto a novembro de 2018, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, elaborada com base no Registro Meta-Orientado de Enfermagem de Imogene King. Os dados foram analisados de forme qualitativa pelo Software IRAMUTEQ. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética. Resultados: Após a análise, emergiram quatro classes: 1) relação estabelecida com base no acolhimento; 2) relação enfermeiro-pessoa com tuberculose e o apoio de outros profissionais e familiares; 3) relação estabelecida com vistas ao cumprimento do tratamento; e 4) relação estabelecida para enfrentamento do preconceito diante da tuberculose. Conclusão: O acolhimento, a família e o vínculo entre profissional, paciente e equipe da Atenção Primária à Saúde fortalecem o enfrentamento da doença e reforçam a adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso.

Resumen Introducción: Uno de los puntos fuertes de la lucha contra la tuberculosis son las acciones desarrolladas en la atención primaria de salud. En este nivel asistencial, el contacto continuo de las enfermerías a través de la consulta de enfermería permite mantener una relación con la población enferma. Frente a la relación enfermería-persona para el establecimiento del vínculo y la adherencia al tratamiento contra la tuberculosis, se entiende la importancia del referente teórico de Imogene King para estructurar la interacción enfermería-persona y ofrecer una dinámica para este proceso. Objetivo: Análisis de la relación entre el personal de enfermería y las personas afectadas por la tuberculosis, a partir de la teoría del logro de objetivos de Imogene King. Método: Estudio descriptivo con abordaje cualitativo, con 14 enfermeras de atención primaria de salud, seleccionadas por conveniencia. La recolección de datos ocurrió de agosto a noviembre de 2018, a través de una entrevista semiestructurada, elaborada con base en el registro meta-orientado de enfermería de Imogene King. Los datos fueron analizados cualitativamente utilizando el software IRAMUTEQ. La investigación fue aprobada por el Comité de Ética. Resultados: Después del análisis, surgieron cuatro clases: 1) relación establecida con base en la recepción, 2) relación enfermería-persona con tuberculosis y apoyo de otras personas profesionales y familiares, 3) relación establecida con miras al cumplimiento del tratamiento y 4) relación establecida para combatir los prejuicios contra la tuberculosis. Conclusión: La acogida, la familia y el vínculo entre profesional, paciente y equipo de atención primaria de salud fortalecen el afrontamiento de la enfermedad y refuerzan la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico.

Abstract Introduction: One of the main aspects in the fight against tuberculosis are the actions developed in Primary Health Care (PHC). At this level of care, the nurse's continuous contact through the nursing consultation allows them to maintain a relationship with the sick population. Regarding the nurse-patient relationship for establishing a bond and the compliance with tuberculosis treatment, we understand the importance of Imogene King's theoretical framework for structuring the nurse-patient interaction and offering a dynamic for this process. Objective: To analyze the nurse-tuberculosis patient relationship based on Imogene King's Theory of Goal Achievement. Method: A descriptive study with a qualitative approach, with 14 PHC nurses, selected by convenience. Data were collected from August to November 2018 through semi-structured interviews based on Imogene King's Meta-Oriented Nursing Record. The data were analyzed qualitatively using the IRAMUTEQ software. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee. Results: After the analysis, four classes emerged: 1) relationship established on the basis of welcoming; 2) nurse-tuberculosis patient relationship and the support of other professionals and family members; 3) relationship established towards treatment compliance; and 4) relationship established to confront prejudice associated with tuberculosis. Conclusion: The welcoming, the family, and the bond between the professional, the patient and Primary Health Care team strengthen the coping with the disease and reinforce the compliance with the pharmacological treatment.

Humanos , Femenino , Atención Primaria de Salud , Tuberculosis/enfermería , Relaciones Enfermero-Paciente , Brasil
Enferm. actual Costa Rica (Online) ; (46): 58564, Jan.-Jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1550245


Resumo Introdução: O acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico tem como tratamento a terapia trombolítica, aplicada ainda na fase aguda, promovendo melhora importante nas sequelas acarretadas por este agravo. Considerando a complexidade da terapia trombolítica, torna-se necessário que os enfermeiros compreendam suas competências para auxiliar no cuidado. Objetivo: Identificar evidências científicas acerca das competências do enfermeiro no cuidado a pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral elegíveis à terapia trombolítica. Metodologia: Revisão integrativa composta por seis etapas em seis etapas (elaboração da questão, busca na literatura, coleta de dados, análise, discussão e apresentação da revisão), realizada nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, BDENF, IBECS, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase e CINAHL. A busca foi realizada entre agosto e setembro de 2022 adotando como critérios de inclusão estudos primários; gratuitos, disponíveis eletronicamente na íntegra; nos idiomas inglês, português e espanhol. Foram obtidos inicialmente 2.830 estudos, os quais passaram por uma seleção, onde foram incluídos aqueles que atendiam os critérios previamente estabelecidos. Resultados: Com base nos doze estudos incluídos nesta revisão identificaram-se competências voltadas à três atividades do cuidado: gestão do cuidado como trabalho em equipe, códigos, fluxos e protocolos, assistência ao paciente antes, durante e após a utilização da terapia trombolítica e educação em saúde para equipe, pacientes e familiares. Conclusão: Os achados desta revisão puderam evidenciar as competências do enfermeiro no cuidado aos pacientes elegíveis a terapia trombolítica, as quais perpassam diferentes áreas de atuação do enfermeiro. Para este estudo prevaleceram as competências assistências, seguida por competências gerenciais.

Resumen Introducción: El accidente cerebrovascular isquémico se trata con terapia trombolítica, aplicada incluso en la fase aguda, que promueve una mejoría significativa de las secuelas provocadas por este padecimiento. Considerando la complejidad de la terapia trombolítica, es necesario que las personas profesionales de enfermería comprendan sus competencias para ayudar en el cuidado. Objetivo: Identificar evidencias científicas sobre las competencias del personal de enfermería en el cuidado de pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular elegibles para terapia trombolítica. Metodología: Revisión integradora que consta de seis etapas (elaboración de la pregunta, búsqueda bibliográfica, recolección de datos, análisis, discusión y presentación de la revisión), realizada en las bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, BDENF, IBECS, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase y CINAHL. La búsqueda se realizó entre agosto y septiembre de 2022. Los criterio de inclusión fueron: estudios primarios, gratuito, disponible electrónicamente en su totalidad, en inglés, portugués y español. Inicialmente se obtuvieron 2830 estudios, los cuales fueron sometidos a un proceso de selección, que incluyó aquellos que cumplían con los criterios previamente establecidos. Resultados: A partir de los doce estudios incluidos en esta revisión, se identificaron competencias centradas en tres actividades asistenciales: gestión del cuidado como trabajo en equipo, códigos, flujos y protocolos, atención a pacientes antes, durante y después del uso de la terapia trombolítica y educación en salud para personal, pacientes y familias. Conclusión: Los hallazgos de esta revisión pudieron resaltar las competencias de las personas profesionales en enfermería en el cuidado de personas elegibles para terapia trombolítica, que abarcan diferentes áreas de actuación del personal de enfermería. Para este estudio, prevalecieron las habilidades asistenciales, seguidas de las competencias gerenciales.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Ischemic stroke is treated with thrombolytic therapy, applied even in the acute phase, promoting a significant improvement in the after-effects caused by this condition. Considering the complexity of thrombolytic therapy, it is necessary for nurses to understand the skills required to assist in care. Objective: To identify scientific evidence about the competencies of nurses in the care of patients with stroke who are eligible for thrombolytic therapy. Methodology: An integrative review consisting of six stages (elaboration of the question, literature review, data collection, analysis, discussion, and presentation), conducted in MEDLINE, LILACS, BDENF, IBECS, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, and CINAHL databases. The search was carried out between August and September 2022 using primary studies as the inclusion criteria: free of charge, fully available electronically, published in English, Portuguese, or Spanish. Initially, 2.830 studies were obtained, which underwent a selection process that included only those studies that met the previously established criteria. Results: Based on the twelve studies included in this review, competencies focused on three care activities were identified: care management such as teamwork; codes; flows and protocols; patient care before, during, and after the use of thrombolytic therapy; and education health education for staff, patients, and families. Conclusion: The findings of this review highlighted the nurses' competencies in the care of patients eligible for thrombolytic therapy, which encompass different areas of the nurse's work. For this study, assistance competencies prevailed, followed by management competencies.

Humanos , Terapia Trombolítica/enfermería , Accidente Cerebrovascular/enfermería , Atención de Enfermería
Int J Nurs Knowl ; 2024 Apr 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38562121


PURPOSE: To identify and synthesize evidence regarding the documented relationship between the standardized nursing terminologies and the unfinished nursing care phenomenon. DATA SOURCES: A systematic review according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. PubMed, Scopus, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature Complete databases were last consulted on November 27, 2023. The review included primary quantitative studies that reported an association between recognized standardized nursing terminologies and unfinished nursing care. Two researchers completedtitle and abstract and full-text screening. DATA SYNTHESIS: Our search identified 149 citations. A full-text review of one paper was undertaken. No studies met our inclusion criteria. We report an empty review. CONCLUSIONS: Standardized nursing terminologies and Unfinished Care are two sides of the same coin: despite their potential commonalities, no studies have documented their potential links. Digital systems, such as electronic health records and decision support systems, could foster this linkage. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: This review suggests that linking the conceptual frameworks can promote the diffusion of standardized nursing terminologies in clinical practice and increase accuracy in the measurement of Unfinished Care. This synergy could promote the contribution of nursing knowledge to patient care, nursing visibility, and be beneficial to clinical nurses, managers, and healthcare systems to international level.

BMJ Open ; 14(4): e076959, 2024 Apr 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38569696


INTRODUCTION: Nurses are essential for implementing evidence-based practices to improve patient outcomes. Unfortunately, nurses lack knowledge about research and do not always understand research terminology. This study aims to develop an in-service training programme for health research for nurses and midwives in the Tshwane district of South Africa. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This protocol outlines a codesign study guided by the five stages of design thinking proposed by the Hasso-Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University. The participants will include nurses and midwives at two hospitals in the Tshwane district, Gauteng Province. The five stages will be implemented in three phases: Phase 1: Stage 1-empathise and Stage 2-define. Exploratory sequential mixed methods including focus group discussions with nurses and midwives (n=40), face-to-face interviews (n=6), and surveys (n=330), will be used in this phase. Phase 2: Stage 3-ideate and Stage 4-prototype. A team of research experts (n=5), nurses and midwives (n=20) will develop the training programme based on the identified learning needs. Phase 3: Stage 5-test. The programme will be delivered to clinical nurses and midwives (n=41). The training programme will be evaluated through pretraining and post-training surveys and face-to-face interviews (n=4) following training. SPSS V.29 will be used for quantitative analysis, and content analysis will be used to analyse qualitative data. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The protocol was approved by the Faculty of Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee of the University of Pretoria (reference number 123/2023). The protocol is also registered with the National Health Research Database in South Africa (reference number GP_202305_032). The study findings will be disseminated through conference presentations and publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Partería , Embarazo , Humanos , Femenino , Sudáfrica , Grupos Focales , Hospitales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
J Clin Nurs ; 2024 Apr 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38590046


BACKGROUND: In society, people live in a social reality where multiculturalism is an increasingly relevant and prevalent topic in their contexts. Facing this, caring for multicultural patients in an emergency service or intensive care unit setting requires a high level of cultural competence due to the complexity, vulnerability of the patient, rapid changes in hemodynamic status, involvement of the family, their informational needs. OBJECTIVE: To map the strategies for nursing care of critically ill multicultural patients. METHOD: A Scoping Review was conducted following the Joanna Briggs Institute's recommendations, with the research question: What are the strategies for nursing care of critically ill multicultural patients? The study was guided by PRISMA. The research was conducted through the EBSCOHost platform, SciELO, Portugal's Open Access Scientific Repository, the Virtual Health Library and a search in grey literature. This was achieved by combining the descriptors DECS/MESH: cultural competence; critical care; emergency room; intensive care; and natural words: cultural care; nurs* interventions; nurs* strategies; within the time frame from 2012 to 2024. The study screening was performed by three independent reviewers through the reading of titles, abstracts and full texts, applying exclusion criteria. The study results were then subjected to content analysis, from which categories emerged. RESULTS: The selected articles highlight various strategies that contribute to the improvement of nursing care for critically ill multicultural patients, focusing on care practice and cultural diversity training for both nurses and nursing students. CONCLUSION: Nurses with cultural competence possess more knowledge and strategies to provide tailored care for multicultural critically ill patients, thereby enhancing the quality of care delivered and contributing to the humanization of healthcare. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: Nurses need to have knowledge of existing strategies for caring for multicultural critically ill patients. PATIENT OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: No direct patient or public contribution to the review.

BMC Med Educ ; 24(1): 381, 2024 Apr 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38589952


BACKGROUND: Interprofessional education (IPE) is essential for healthcare students to collaborate effectively in multidisciplinary teams. This study aimed to identify the effect of IPE programmes in nursing care and oral healthcare on dental and nursing students' perceptions of interprofessional collaboration. METHODS: The study included 101 third-year dental and 98 fourth-year nursing students. The participants were divided into mixed-professional groups of four (2 dental and 2 nursing students). They participated in nursing care and oral healthcare training programmes that included student-on-student training and discussion groups. Questionnaires regarding perceptions of interprofessional collaboration were distributed to the participants before and after the programmes to compare the programmes before and after and between the dental and nursing students. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test and chi-square test were used to compare the data. RESULTS: Data from 79 dental students (42 males and 37 females) and 89 nursing students (4 males and 85 females) who completed both questionnaires were used for the comparisons. Perceptions of the differences between the approaches of different health professionals to nursing care, the roles of other professionals, and the need for multiprofessional collaboration improved significantly among both dental and nursing students after the programmes. Although the perception of their ability to communicate with unfamiliar or new people improved significantly only among the nursing students, other perceptions of their ability to communicate did not improve for either group. More dental students than nursing students chose nursing trainings as good programmes to participate in with other professional students, while more nursing students than dental students chose oral care trainings as good programmes. Many students commented that they learned about nursing and oral healthcare skills as well as the importance of teamwork and communication with other professionals. Seven students commented that they were more motivated to become dentists and nurses. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that IPE programmes for nursing care and oral healthcare might be effective at helping students understand other professionals and promoting multiprofessional collaboration. However, further studies are needed to develop IPE programmes to improve attitudes and abilities related to interprofessional communication skills.

Estudiantes de Enfermería , Masculino , Femenino , Humanos , Educación Interprofesional , Actitud del Personal de Salud , Aprendizaje , Relaciones Interprofesionales
BMC Nurs ; 23(1): 235, 2024 Apr 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38584268


BACKGROUND: To enhance patient satisfaction, nurses engaged in preoperative care must possess a comprehensive understanding of the most up-to-date evidence. However, there is a notable dearth of relevant information regarding the current status of preoperative care satisfaction and its impact, despite a significant rise in the number of patients seeking surgical intervention with complex medical requirements. OBJECTIVE: To assess patient satisfaction with preoperative nursing care and its associated factors in surgical procedures of, 2023. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted, and the data was collected from the randomly selected 468 patients who had undergone surgery during the study period. The collected data was entered into Epidata version 3.1 and analyzed using SPSS version 25 software. RESULTS: The complete participation and response of 468 participants resulted in a response rate of 100%. Overall patient satisfaction with preoperative nursing care was 79.5%. Sex (Adjusted odds ratio (AOR): 1.14 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.21-2.91)), payment status for treatment (AOR: 1.45 (95% CI: 0.66-2.97)), preoperative fear and anxiety (AOR: 1.01, 95% CI: 0.49-2.13)), patient expectations (AOR: 3.39, 95% CI: 2.17-7.11)), and preoperative education (AOR: 1.148, 95% CI: 0.54-2.86)) exhibited significant associations with patient satisfaction with preoperative nursing care. CONCLUSION: It is important to exercise caution when interpreting the level of preoperative nursing care satisfaction in this study. The significance of preoperative nursing care satisfaction lies in its reflection of healthcare quality, as even minor deficiencies in preoperative care can potentially lead to life-threatening complications, including mortality. Therefore, prioritizing the improvement of healthcare quality is essential to enhance patient satisfaction.

BMC Nurs ; 23(1): 233, 2024 Apr 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38584285


BACKGROUND: Missed nursing care occurs globally, and the consequences are severe for the patients when fundamental care needs are not fulfilled, nor delivered in a person-centred way. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence and cause of missed nursing care, and the relationship between registered nurses' and nursing assistants' perceptions of missed nursing care, in a surgical care context. METHODS: A quantitative study was performed using the MISSCARE survey, measuring missed nursing care and associated reasons, in three surgical wards with registered nurses and nursing assistants as the participants (n = 118), during May-November in 2022. The MISSCARE survey also covers background data such as job satisfaction and intention to leave. The survey was distributed paper-based and the response rate was 88%. RESULTS: Aspects of nursing care rated to be missed the most were 'attending interdisciplinary care conferences', 'turning patient every 2 h', 'ambulation 3 times per day or as ordered', and 'mouth care'. Differences between registered nurse and nursing assistant ratings were detected for eight out of 24 items, where registered nurses rated more missed nursing care. The uppermost reasons for missed nursing care were 'inadequate number of staff' and 'unexpected rise in patient volume and/or acuity on the unit'. Registered nurses and nursing assistants rated differently regarding six of 17 items. Almost every fourth staff member (24.6%, n = 29) had the intention to leave within a year in the present department. CONCLUSIONS: The occurrence of missed nursing care is frequent in the surgical context, and in combination with a high number of staff members intending to leave their employment, poses a hazard to patient safety. Registered nurses, holding higher educational levels, reported more missed care compared with the nursing assistants. The main reason for missed nursing care was an inadequate number of staff. These findings support a warranted investment in nursing within the organisation. The results can be used to form strategies and interventions, to reduce nurse attrition and optimise competence utilisation, and to achieve safe person-centered fundamental care.

Appl Nurs Res ; 76: 151784, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38641381


OBJECTIVES: Analyze and verify the association between working conditions and the occurrence of errors in nursing work. BACKGROUND: Many of the known errors in nursing are based on the structural failure of the complex health service system. Our study addresses the question "Is there an association between errors made by nursing workers and working conditions?" METHODS: The study was carried out through a cross-sectional exploratory analysis of 19 ethical-disciplinary processes focused on errors made by nursing workers. The articles were processed, judged, and archived at the Regional Nursing Councils of the Northeast Region of Brazil from 2000 to 2018. The chi-square test or Fisher's exact test was used to verify the relationship between the variables through multivariate analysis. RESULTS: The analyzes show that working conditions can interfere at occurrence in error. This increases the chance of an "inconsequential" error occurring for the patient in poor/very poor working conditions. The most serious errors, "with consequences irreversible" for the patient, only occur from more severe working conditions. Adversely, it was found that there is no statistically significant difference in the frequency of errors in hospitals (33.33 %) compared to "other places" (28.58 %) when these occurred in poor working conditions. When conducting the incident in poor working conditions, there was a minimum of 52 % protection OR = 0.48 % [0.16; 11.80]; (1-0.48)) against these errors in general in the nursing area. CONCLUSION: The strong association was exposed in working conditions classified as bad/very bad/very bad, resulting in the most serious errors and with irreversible consequences for patients. However, a level of protection for different types of workers was noticed in the field, which shows that there is hope that if the work environment changes with more organization, management, and standards of care, we can prevent future errors.

Personal de Enfermería en Hospital , Condiciones de Trabajo , Humanos , Brasil , Estudios Transversales
Int J Low Extrem Wounds ; : 15347346241245087, 2024 Apr 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38572515


OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to assess the efficacy of decompression nursing based on biomechanical principles in managing recurrent diabetic plantar ulcers. METHODS: Sixty-seven patients experiencing recurrent diabetic plantar ulcers who sought medical attention at Huadong Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University between January 2021 and December 2022 were selected as participants for this study. The participants underwent biomechanics-based decompression nursing. We compared pre-intervention and post-intervention data to assess the differences in relevant observational indexes. RESULTS: Post-intervention, patients showed significant improvements in foot comfort scores and adherence to pressure reduction behavior compared with their pre-intervention status, with statistical significance (P < 0.05). The intervention was effective in 41 cases (61.19%), with 18 cases (26.87%) showing improvement and 8 cases (11.94%) deemed ineffective, culminating in an overall efficacy rate of 88.06%. All 67 patients achieved complete ulcer healing within an average duration of 58.63 ± 18.13 days, without any recorded recurrences. CONCLUSION: Biomechanics-based decompression nursing demonstrates effective facilitation of wound healing, yielding expeditious recovery, enhanced comfort, and a reduced incidence of recurrence.

Glob Qual Nurs Res ; 11: 23333936241240795, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38577493


People who inject drugs (PWID) are at increased risk of acute and chronic health outcomes and in need of in-hospital healthcare services. This study aims to give insight into how PWID experience care from nurses in hospital settings. We used a qualitative descriptive design and applied reflexive thematic analysis to 11 individual semi-structured interviews with PWID. Our analysis generated the following main themes: (1) diminishment and distance-always just a drug addict, (2) gratitude-equal care not taken for granted, and (3) vulnerability-already carrying a heavy burden. Our findings reveal a complex, nuanced narrative regarding participants' experiences of nursing care and highlight the importance of enhancing knowledge, understanding, empathy, and communication skills when nurses encounter PWID. Our research suggests that patients' vulnerability resulting from previous experiences defined their perception of quality of care. Insight from this study provides valuable knowledge about how to enhance nursing care for PWID.

Healthcare (Basel) ; 12(7)2024 Mar 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38610172


(1) Background: The role of the nurse case manager is unknown to the population. The main objective is to analyze the existing differences within the national territory in order to make known the situation in Spain with a view to the recognition of its functions and the creation of the professional profile in an equal manner. (2) Methods: A scoping review was conducted in order to achieve the main aim. Selected articles were subjected to a critical reading, and the levels of evidence and grades of recommendation of the Joanna Briggs Institute were verified. The search field was limited to the last ten years. (3) Results: Case management models are heterogeneous in different autonomous communities in Spain. Case nurse management is qualified for high-complexity patients, follow up on chronic patients, and coordinate health assistance. (4) Conclusions: It concludes that nursing's role is crucial in the field of case management, being required in the follow-up of chronic patients of high complexity. Despite the proven health benefits, efficacy, and efficiency of case management, there are many heterogeneous models that coexist in Spain. This involves a restriction in the development of a nursing career because of the lack of a definition of its functions and competences.

BMC Nurs ; 23(1): 238, 2024 Apr 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38600487


BACKGROUND: Kinesiophobia could act as a significant barrier against physical activity following cardiac procedures worsening cardiovascular health problems and potentially leading to conditions like hospital-acquired anxiety and depression among patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Nurses are the vanguard health care team who can aid patients in taking proactive steps to overcome fear of movement following cardiac procedures. AIM: The overarching aim is to investigate the relationship between kinesiophobia, anxiety and depression, and patients' perception of nursing care. METHOD: A descriptive correlational research design in two rural hospitals, conducted at cardiac intensive care units of Kafr Eldawar Hospital and Damanhur Medical National Institute. Data were collected from 265 nurses, using the following patient-reported outcome measures, the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia (TSK), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), the Person-Centered Critical Care Nursing Questionnaire (PCCNP) and the patients' demographic and clinical profile. RESULT: A significant negative correlation was found between HADS and PCCNP (r: -0.510, p < 0.001) however, Kinesiophobia was significantly and positively correlated (r: 0.271, p < 0.001). A direct effect of PCCNP in the presence of the mediator was found to be not statistically significant (-0.015, CR = 0.302, p = 0.763). Nonetheless, PCCNP indirectly affects kinesiophobia through HADS (p=-0.099). IMPLICATION FOR NURSING PRACTICE: Customizing individualized cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs based on the emotional experience of cardiac patients will be conducive to rehabilitation and prognosis for patients, thereby lessening the physical burden and improving their quality of life.

BMJ Open ; 14(4): e077821, 2024 Apr 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38604634


OBJECTIVE: As an integral part of emergency medical rescue teams during public health events, understanding the core competencies that nursing personnel should possess-including theoretical knowledge, practical skills, comprehensive abilities and personal traits-can provide a practical basis for better preparation and targeted training for future emergency rescue works. Thus, this study aims to provide a scientific and applicable reference for perfecting the routine training strategy of nursing personnel assembled by emergency medical rescue teams and improving the overall guarantee ability level of this group. DESIGN: This is a qualitative study conducted using individual semi-structured interviews. All interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim for the purpose of thematic analysis and extraction. SETTING: Participants were recruited from February to March 2023, from four comprehensive hospitals in Chongqing China with the highest number of emergency relief works. PARTICIPANTS: A sample of experts (N=15) with extensive experience in emergency relief works was recruited in Chongqing, China. RESULTS: 60% of the experts held master's degrees or higher, 73.3% held senior or higher titles, 36.7% had participated in work execution more than five times and 73.3% held leadership positions in their current units and in the execution of emergency relief works. Four main themes and 22 corresponding subthemes were derived for the core competencies required for nursing personnel selected for emergency medical rescue teams in public health events, including theoretical knowledge, practical skills, comprehensive abilities and personal traits. CONCLUSIONS: Our study revealed that through interviews with 15 experts with extensive experience in the public health event, the essential elements of core competencies for nursing personnel assigned to emergency medical rescue teams during the public health event were identified. These can serve as a reference standard for the selection of nursing personnel in public health events, and provide a basis for the cultivation and evaluation of competency for nursing personnel assigned to emergency medical rescue teams in the public health event in China and globally.

Enfermeras y Enfermeros , Salud Pública , Humanos , Competencia Clínica , Hospitales , China
J Multidiscip Healthc ; 17: 1603-1616, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38628616


Background: Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into healthcare has transformed the landscape of patient care and healthcare delivery. Despite this, there remains a notable gap in the existing literature synthesizing the comprehensive understanding of AI's utilization in nursing care. Objective: This systematic review aims to synthesize the available evidence to comprehensively understand the application of AI in nursing care. Methods: Studies published between January 2019 and December 2023, identified through CINAHL Plus with Full Text, Web of Science, PubMed, and Medline, were included in this review. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines guided the identification, screening, exclusion, and inclusion of articles. The convergent integrated analysis framework, as proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute, was employed to synthesize data from the included studies for theme generation. Results: A total of 337 records were identified from databases. Among them, 35 duplicates were removed, and 302 records underwent eligibility screening. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, eleven studies were deemed eligible and included in this review. Through data synthesis of these studies, six themes pertaining to the use of AI in nursing care were identified: 1) Risk Identification, 2) Health Assessment, 3) Patient Classification, 4) Research Development, 5) Improved Care Delivery and Medical Records, and 6) Developing a Nursing Care Plan. Conclusion: This systematic review contributes valuable insights into the multifaceted applications of AI in nursing care. Through the synthesis of data from the included studies, six distinct themes emerged. These findings not only consolidate the current knowledge base but also underscore the diverse ways in which AI is shaping and improving nursing care practices.

J Pediatr Nurs ; 2024 Apr 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38653665


PURPOSE: To assess hospitalized children's satisfaction with nursing care. DESIGN AND METHODS: Cross-sectional study using the "Children Care Quality at Hospital" questionnaire. 61 children admitted to the Pediatrics Department of a hospital in the Northern Region of Portugal were enrolled. RESULTS: The ranged age of the participants was 6 to 15 (10,61 ± 2,66 years), and most were male (52.46%; n = 32). The mean score in the three domains was 128 (77.11%), reflecting children's high satisfaction with the nursing care provided during hospitalization. The domain most valued was Nurse Characteristics, while the least valued was Nursing Environment. CONCLUSION: Results provide essential input for the dimensions to be considered when planning nursing care for children, managing care, and the physical environment in the wards. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: These results highlight the need to hear children's voices. This must encourage nurses to reflect on how children evaluate nursing care and, by doing so, to increase the quality of nursing care provided in Pediatrics settings.

Health Sociol Rev ; 33(1): 10-23, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38557328


This paper examines the conflicting temporal orders of the regional nurse, a role which has been introduced to deal with the increasing demands of aged care and workforce shortages in regional settings. We build on ethnographic research in the Netherlands, in which we examine regional district nurses as a new professional role that attends to (sub)acute care needs, connecting and coordinating different places of care during out of office hours. We use the concept of 'temporal regional order' to reflect on the different ways caring practices are temporally structured by management and care practitioners, in close interaction with patients and informal care givers. In the results three types of disruptions of the regional temporal order are distinguished: interfering bodily rhythms and needs; (un)expected workings of technologies; and disrupting acts of patient and relatives. It was region nurses' prime responsibility to stabilise these interferences and prevent or soften a disruption of the regional order. In accomplishing this, we show how nurses craft their professional role in between various care settings, without getting involved too much in patient care, to be mobile as 'temporal caregivers'.

Rol de la Enfermera , Humanos , Países Bajos , Anciano , Antropología Cultural , Enfermería Geriátrica
Int J Palliat Nurs ; 30(4): 190-198, 2024 Apr 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38630644


BACKGROUND: Patients in intensive care units need full nursing care due to the high mortality rate. However, some aspects of nursing care can be forgotten. AIMS: To investigate the quality of death and dying and its association with aspects of missed nursing care, alongside the overall perception of nurses in intensive care units about factors associated with missed nursing care. METHODS: This cross-sectional study used a census sampling method of 105 nurses working in intensive care units. In order to collect data, the Quality of Dying and Death Questionnaire (QODD), missed nursing care (MISSCARE survey) and factors associated with missed nursing care questionnaire were used. Data analysis was performed by using SPSS 16. FINDINGS: The quality of death and dying, as perceived by nurses, was found to be lower than the average (Range score: 0 to 100). The range of missed nursing care was average (Range of score: 24 to 96) and the most noticeable reason for this missed nursing care was the shortage of nursing staff. CONCLUSION: Managers should ensure that nurses provide complete nursing care for terminally ill patients in intensive care units and eliminate factors that lead to aspects of nursing care being missed, such as staffing levels, material resources and communication between staff members.

Atención de Enfermería , Personal de Enfermería en Hospital , Humanos , Estudios Transversales , Calidad de la Atención de Salud , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
BMJ Open ; 14(4): e081647, 2024 Apr 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38626963


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of missed nursing care and its associated factors among public hospitals in Bahir Dar City, Northwest Ethiopia. DESIGN: An institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 369 randomly selected nurses. SETTING: The study was conducted in primary and secondary-level public hospitals in Bahir Dar City. PARTICIPANTS: Nurses who had worked in hospitals in Bahir Dar City were included. INTERVENTION: No intervention was needed in this study. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: A binary logistic regression model was used for statistical analysis. Statistical significance of the association between outcome variables and independent variables was declared at a p value of <0.05 with a 95% CI. RESULTS: The prevalence of missed nursing care in this study was 46.3% (95% CI: 41.7% to 50.9%). The activities most frequently missed were physical examination (56.4%), patient discharge planning and teaching (50.9%), providing emotional support to the patient and family (50.8%), monitoring input and output (50.2%), assisting with patient ambulation (48.5%) and documentation (48%). Factors associated with missed nursing care include: male professionals (adjusted OR (AOR): 2.9, 95% CI: 1.8 to 4.8), those who had not received on-the-job training (AOR: 2.2, 95% CI: 1.4 to 3.6), those who worked full 24-hour shifts (AOR: 3.7, 95% CI: 2.0 to 6.5), those who were dissatisfied with the level of teamwork (AOR: 4.6, 95% CI: 2.8 to 7.6) and those who had an intention to leave the nursing profession (AOR: 1.8, 95% CI: 1.1 to 2.9). These factors were statistically associated with missed nursing care. CONCLUSION: A significant proportion of nurses missed essential nursing care activities. Efforts should be made to enhance training, improve teamwork among nurses, provide stability and adjust work shifts to mitigate this issue.

Instituciones de Salud , Hospitales Públicos , Humanos , Masculino , Estudios Transversales , Etiopía , Ciudades
BMC Nurs ; 23(1): 251, 2024 Apr 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38637755


BACKGROUND: Cirrhosis treatment implies prevention and alleviation of serious disease events. Healthcare providers may, however, fail to meet patients' expectations of collaboration and specific needs of information and support. Individualised nursing care could meet patients' needs. The aim was thus to measure patient-perceived quality of care after adjunctive registered nurse-based intervention Quality Liver Nursing Care Model (QLiNCaM) compared with standard medical care. METHODS: This pragmatic multicentre study consecutively randomised patients to either adjunctive registered nurse-based care, or standard medical care for 24 months ( NCT02957253). Patients were allocated to either group at an equal ratio, at six Swedish outpatient clinics during 2016-2022. Using the questionnaire 'Quality of care from the patient's perspective', patients rated their perceived lack of quality for the adjunctive registered nurse-based intervention compared with the control group at 12 and 24 months, respectively. RESULTS: In total, 167 patients were recruited. Seven out of 22 items in the questionnaire supported the finding that 'lacking quality' decreased with adjunctive registered nurse-based care (p < 0.05) at 12 months follow-up; however, these differences could not be established at 24 months. CONCLUSION: Additional structured registered nurse-based visits in the cirrhosis outpatient team provided support for improved patient-perceived quality of care during the first 12 months. Registered nurses increase patient involvement and present easy access to cirrhosis outpatient care. Patients express appreciation for personalised information. This study reinforces registered nurses' role in the outpatient cirrhosis team, optimising patient care in compensated and decompensated cirrhosis. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Registered at Clinical Trials 18th of October 2016, [ https://www. CLINICALTRIALS: gov ], registration number: NCT02957253.
